Cedric Amaya

Guess Who's Back

June 16, 2024

…back again. Cedric's back, tell a friend.

Apologies, listened to a lot of Eminem since the last time I was here.

Speaking of which, it's been just over three years since I last published a post, and two-ish of those years the blog wasn't even live. With a newly designed, developed, and deployed personal site (you like?), I'm excited to bring back my old writing and start putting out new content as well.

During the hiatus, I traded one creative outlet (writing) for another (sketching). If I've learned anything from drawing it's that a lot of patience and letting go of one's ego is required in order to make any progress. Hoping to keep those same lessons in mind with writing this time around.

What's Been Up Man?

(Dammit, there I go again. If you know, you know).

Jeez, writing in full sentences at a little past 1:00AM is hard. I really do need to work out this writing muscle. For now I'm going to take the easy way out and list the major updates as a bulleted list. (Each item could probably be its own post so this will be a good brainstorming session anyways.)

  • Unearth was shut down (#RIP). Never made any progress monetizing the product, mostly due to focusing on my career and hardly using the product much myself. Shout out to the 300+ Redditors who registered and used it, hopefully some of you all found it valuable.
  • Hellosaurus and YC startup life. A rewarding two years building awesome stuff with amazing people capped with an acquisition by Brilliant.org.
  • Short-lived time at connectRN. According to Layoffs.fyi, more than 525,000 people in the tech industry have been affected by layoffs since 2022. The business, which thrived during COVID-19 due to increased demand for healthcare workers, was bound to see a correction post-pandemic. Unfortunately, this correction came much sooner than anticipated.
  • Funemployment, or trying to make the most of a crappy situation. Focusing on my mental and physical health (too embarrassed to share my Strava profile), fostering dogs through Humane Society Silicon Valley, and following pro cycling and Formula 1 are just some of the things I've been up to while actively searching for work.

Am I forgetting anything else? I think that's about it. Check back soon for deeper dives into some of those aforementioned topics.

Until then, ✌️